
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tweaking the blog

Hi, guys!  I found a new photo editing website and got a bit carried away.  Decided to give the blog a facelift.  There are going to be a few changes in the near future, but the content is the same.

Also found out last weekend that we are expecting #4!  Should give me a fantastic excuse for really cranking out the baby goodies now.

Currently working on several projects, including a faux chenille blanket and a Mexican Wrestling costume for my son, Kai.  (He saw the cover of "Nacho Libre" and thought he was the coolest "superhero" ever.)  Also going to be making costumes for Scarlett and Cameron.  Going to be busy, busy!


  1. Oh my goodness ....Congrats on #4!!! Can't wait to see all your baby goodness! Oh and the Nacho Libre costume.

  2. Thank you, Ashley! We're really excited and I can't wait to start making some baby goodies. As for Nacho Libre... you should've seen the ladies' faces at Joann's when I told them. Wish I had a camera! :)
