
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award. Yippee!

Awards rock.  I was having a pretty off day (will show you why tomorrow... get ready for a sewing catastrophe), but was pleasantly surprised and excited to see that Spicy Pinecone had been awarded the Versatile Blogger Award.  Yay!!!

There are some Rules with this Award:
Rule 1: Thank the person who gave you the award. :) Plus Link back to them in your post.

A huge thank you to Karen at Little Red House Designs for including me in your list for the Versatile Blogger Award.  Her blog is definitely worth checking out!  It's got a little bit of everything and I've officially fallen in love with her place settings.  :)

Rule 2: Share 7 things about yourself... 

1.  28 year-old mother of three crazy kids.  #4 is on it's way and should make their debut in May.  
2.  I used to be in the Army and was a Chinese linguist.  I can speak Mandarin.   
3.  I am often accused by my husband of having undiagnosed OCD.  Perhaps a wee bit of a perfectionist.  
4.  No joke, I was actually attacked by an organ grinder's monkey.  It bit me (it's teeth were removed so it was really more of a "gumming"), and now I find monkeys creepy.  
5.  I find clowns creepy too.
6.  I would gladly eat enchiladas every night for the rest of my life.
7.  I have two cats named "Booger" and "Snot".

Rule 3: Pass the award on to 15 blogs (that were recently discovered - and contact them to let them know)
Okay, Hmmm... not sure if these are considered "recently discovered", but they are new to me.  Might post a few repeats, but a lot of these ladies are in my sewing group and I love them.  :)
7. Made
15. Heidi's Nest
Be sure to check out all these blogs!!  They are just like all of us and deserve the award too!


  1. Thanks for the award!
    My sister is a Chinese linguist for the military too!

  2. Oh, fun facts! I always have a hard time thinking of things like that, but you have a good list there! haha

  3. Paige- You're very welcome, you deserve it! Also, that is so neat about your sister! I'm telling you, Monterey was fantastic. I'd go back in a heartbeat.

    Ashley- *laughs* Thanks! I think they're a wee bit random, but then again... so am I. ;)
