Thursday, October 20, 2011

Gearing up for Halloween- Mexican Wrestling Costume

Kai came up to me a few months ago and handed me the cover to "Nacho Libre", saying, "I love this guy, he's a superhero."  So I decided to make him a Mexican Wrestler for Halloween. 

I have to admit, it is definitely one of the more interesting things I've sewn!

Here is the completed outfit.  I didn't photograph him with the forearm bands, but they're red with yellow lightning bolts to match his lightning bolt cape:

And here's one of the first pictures I took before I had added the velcro the the mask and started on the bodysuit (I've fixed the point above the nose on the mask):

Also been working on a few couponing trips.  I went out and did a few separate trips.  It was a high OOP (out of pocket), but I think the overall savings were awesome!
Target and Publix- $72.96

CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid- $77.07

CVS- $42.38

We are stocked up on laundry detergent for the foreseeable future, as well as ready to battle colds and change poopy butts.  I'm kind of liking the coupon thing.  It's almost like playing some kind of game.  Staring to build up a little teeny stockpile.  It's not much, but it's something. 


  1. Thanks, Ashley! I completely ruined the first mask I made and was stumped on how to embellish it until I remembered Steam-a-seam. Whoever invented that stuff deserves a big ol' smooch. I love S.A.S.!
